Neurofeedback and Biofeedback Workshop in Migraine
Migraine is one of the disorders characterized by successive mild or severe headaches and often associated with symptoms in the autonomic nervous system. The exact mechanism of migraine is unknown and it is believed that migraine is due to some kind of disorder in blood vessels and nerves. According to this theory, the use of HEG neurofeedback for this disorder has been researched and successful results have been reported. In the book on the effectiveness level of neurofeedback and biofeedback, which is based on related articles, the effectiveness of this method for migraine treatment has been determined as level 4 out of 5 (effective). Biofeedback is effective in the field of migraine prevention and treatment, especially if the use of common anti-migraine drugs is prohibited or excessive drug use is harmful. 1. Biofeedback helps people to consciously control some psychological parameters and to Rest and it may be useful for migraine treatment.
In this workshop, HEG neurofeedback and how to evaluate and treat it, which is also used for attention problems, ADD and depression in addition to migraine, along with temperature biofeedback and effective neurofeedback protocols in the treatment of migraine, along with a treatment plan on how to use these 3 methods together It is taught.
600,000 tomans
- If you are not able to participate in the workshop after registration, you can coordinate with the group so that the amount paid for the next course will be included without deducting the fee.
Participants with relevant education will be awarded a certificate of participation in the course by Farmed School as the exclusive representative of the European Biofeedback Foundation (BFE) and the executive center that organized the workshop (in Tehran, Tehran University Counseling Center).
Also, after completing the course, those interested can participate in the BFE international certificate exam and receive the main degree of that institution if they pass.
Passing the general neurofeedback workshop is required to participate in this course.
The education of the participants should be in one of the following:
– Medicine (psychiatry, neurology, etc.)
– Psychology (all trends)
– Cognitive Sciences
– Rehabilitation (occupational therapy, speech therapy, etc.)
– Nursing
– Physical education, sports physiology
– Other fields related to neuroscience and health (audiology, etc.)
- At least a bachelor’s degree is required.
- Other interested parties can contact the collection to find out about the conditions of receiving the certificate.
Duration of the workshop: 2 days / 10 hours (Thursday and Friday)
Workshop hours: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m
How to conduct it: online using the Adobe Connect platform (training on how to access the software is sent to participants, and support for correct and quality connection is provided by our colleagues before the start of the course.)
Dr. Hassan Bani Asadi
PhD in Psychology from the University of Mysore, India
Faculty member of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman
- Familiarity with migraine and its physiological and pathological aspects
- A review of biofeedback and its effect on the treatment and prevention of migraine Familiarity with HEG neurofeedback and its mechanism of action and its application in migraine,
- attention deficit disorder, ADD and depression
- Temperature biofeedback and its effectiveness in migraine
- Review of QEEG brain maps obtained in migraine
- Presentation of migraine neurofeedback protocols based on the mentioned parameters
This course is held with Thought Technology hardware (ProComp device) and Biograph Infiniti software.