Advanced Online Neurofeedback Workshop – September 1401

The general neurofeedback course is designed based on its practicality, and protocols for attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems are taught. But the scope of the neurofeedback field is such that it is not possible to express all its contents in one course. The purpose of this course is to familiarize the participants with more and more specialized protocols used in neurofeedback.

ClinicalQ Suite software suite is taught in this course. Many EEG brain wave databases have been obtained from healthy people in the community (based on the tests specified in each one). Some of them have collected EEG data from both healthy people and people with disorders in their statistical population. Meanwhile, the ClinicalQ database has been obtained from about 1500 patients with disorders and has been able to identify about 30 indicators for various problems such as memory and information retention, attention and concentration, developmental disorders such as autism, sleep, chronic pain, anxiety, depression, etc. provide and help the therapist to consider a better treatment process for their clients. This valuable information is obtained only from the EEG recorded from 5 brain points and it allows neurotherapists to use it to develop a treatment protocol in the absence of QEEG.

Learn more:

Advanced online neurofeedback workshop

General or preliminary online neurofeedback workshop

Neurofeedback device

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Time: 17-18 Shahrivar 1401 (Thursday and Friday)

Workshop duration: 10 hours online – 9 am to 2 pm

The event is finished.
