Peak Performance Suite neurofeedback and biofeedback performance enhancement software

The Performance Enhancement Software Suite is a suite of psychophysiological tools designed to help athletes, military personnel, managers, and artists improve their performance.

For more than 30 years, Thought Technology Canada has been a leader in improving performance in high-risk environments. With a focus on providing performance improvement professionals with the tools they need to enhance intervention and practice approaches.

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The Performance Enhancement Software Suite is a suite of psychophysiological tools designed to help athletes, military personnel, managers, and artists improve their performance.

For more than 30 years, Thought Technology Canada has been a leader in improving performance in high-risk environments. With a focus on providing performance improvement professionals with the tools they need to enhance intervention and practice approaches.

This company, in collaboration with Dr. Pierre Beauchamp, has presented the Peak Performance Suite, which can be said to be the most comprehensive psychophysiological training system for performance improvement in the market.

This software suite uses proven techniques to tune the autonomic nervous system, giving clients the skills to ensure they are ready to perform.

Rapid assessment tools
It includes 5 quick assessment tools that help assess the client’s physiological state and its response to mental and physical challenges.

۵-minute assessment of HRV heart rate variability
۱۰-minute assessment of HRV heart rate variability
Evaluating the dominant brain frequency
۱۵-minute stress assessment
Evaluation of best and worst performance
Self-regulated practice tools
This software suite’s proprietary self-regulating exercise tools for neurofeedback and biofeedback allow practitioners to focus on many specific mental and physical patterns to work on. As:

Mastering basic breathing skills
Learning optimal breathing methods
Acquiring awareness and controlling stress
The skill of voluntarily changing the mental state to a state suitable for environmental conditions
This suite is compatible with 3 ProComp5 neurofeedback and biofeedback devices, ProComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device and FlexComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device.