The SCP neurofeedback software suite from Thought Technology Canada is a comprehensive training system for practitioners who want to add the benefits of slow cortical potential neurofeedback to their treatment process. Combining pioneering research and decades of clinical experience in one simple package, this software suite brings all the capabilities of SCP neurofeedback to professionals.
From complex knowledge to a simple solution
Accurate and reliable extraction of slow cortical potentials from raw brain waves is a complex science. Each SCP from the event must be accurately calculated in a fraction of a second and thoroughly checked for artifact contamination. Anything else is completely unreliable. Using the cutting edge of technology, the SCP neurofeedback software suite delivers the highest quality SCP ever recorded.
Fully automatic process
Thoroughly reviewed evidence-based protocols
Accuracy at the level of research work
Simple system, low cost and ease of use
Neurofeedback training in both directions!
The SCP software suite enables self-tuning of slow cortical potentials in either training directions to activate or suppress whole neural activity. Fully automatic and bidirectional protocols enable clients to gain complete control over the overall state of the brain.
Review progress, encourage success
During the process, you can display a detailed progress report for the clients. At every step and every session, which encourages clients to continue the treatment.
This suite is compatible with 3 ProComp5 neurofeedback and biofeedback devices, ProComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device and FlexComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device.