EEG-Z3 neurofeedback sensor has 3 functional modes: normal mode as an EEG sensor for the frequency range of 2 Hz to one kilohertz (2Hz-1KHz), low frequency mode for the frequency range of one hundredth of a Hz to one kilohertz (0.01Hz-1KHz). For evoked potential and low frequency applications and DC mode for frequency range 0 to 1 kHz (0Hz-1KHz) for SCP slow cortical potentials. Modes can be changed on the fly.
This sensor has the ability to check resistance or Impedance Checking, which allows specialists to see the resistance value of each electrode connected to the patient in the form of numbers and colors, and if it is high, reduce it and improve the quality of their work. to increase In some journals, reporting of these numbers in meetings is required to accept the paper.
This sensor is compatible with the following neurofeedback devices.
ProComp5 5-channel neurofeedback device
ProComp Infiniti 8-channel neurofeedback device
FlexComp Infiniti 10-channel neurofeedback device
This sensor comes with Monopolar/Bipolar EEG Kit neurofeedback electrode kit. Note that silver/silver chloride electrodes must be used to use EP and SCP/DC modes.