The Rehab Suite biofeedback rehabilitation software suite offers a variety of assessment and treatment protocols along with helpful guides for experts and even beginners. The integration of analysis and reporting functions with a dynamic graphical environment, which is the result of more than 40 years of experience of Canadian company Thought Technology in biofeedback, creates a good feeling when using it for professionals.
Benefits and features
Biofeedback provides objective, measurable, reliable and accurate information to support and strengthen the abstract reports of the clients and experts’ observations by providing access to muscle information that both the client and the expert are not aware of.
Muscle activity can be recorded and used to provide feedback, thereby providing motivation, training and improving rehabilitation. Also, in the progress reports during the sessions, show the value of the treatment by means of objective numbers.
This suite is compatible with 3 ProComp5 neurofeedback and biofeedback devices, ProComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device and FlexComp Infiniti neurofeedback and biofeedback device.